Our cookiepolicy

Norra Timber uses cookies, web beacons and comparable technologies on our website to be able to offer you the best possible user experience, to analyze and develop our systems and services and to be able to show you targeted advertisements for our products and services, also on other websites.

Purpose and scope

This cookie policy describes how Norra Skog processes personal data when you use our websites and is a supplement to our Privacy Policy. The purpose of this policy is to provide you as a website visitor with information about how and why your personal data may be collected in connection with your visit, how long it is stored and how the processing is managed or can be deactivated by you. Under the heading "Cookies and consent" in this policy you will find information about cookie settings, there is also the option to revoke consent to cookies.This policy may be changed or updated and the latest version is always available on our website.

What are cookies?

When you visit a website, it may store or retrieve information in your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the website work as you expect. For example, that the cookie settings you have made are saved in your browser.

What are cookies used for and for how long?

Cookies are often used to remember you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a temporary cookie) or for several repeated visits (using a persistent cookie). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for you as a visitor and perform important functions that allow you to register and stay logged in.

Cookies may be set by the website you are visiting (known as first-party cookies and which we ourselves control), or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (third-party cookies). Permanent cookies are stored on the computer or mobile for a longer period. They have a preset date and are deleted when the date falls. They can be stored for a maximum of 24 months.

They disappear earlier if the visitor chooses to clear cookies from the browser. Temporary cookies are temporarily stored on your computer or mobile phone when you visit a website. They are deleted when the visitor closes their browser.

Why do we use cookies?

Norra Skog uses cookies to customize content and advertisements, to provide functions in social media and to analyze our traffic. Norra Skog also shares information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Data from such cookies can then also be used by the third party for, among other things, measurement data, statistics and advertising, together with the information they collect independently.

The information stored with such third-party cookies can be used by us to be able to show you relevant advertisements for our products and services, also on other websites. Cookies from third parties Norra Skog's website contains certain embedded elements from external websites that are displayed via iframe, for example videos are played via YouTube.

The website also uses plug-in programs for sharing to social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These external sites can leave cookies on your computer or mobile device and e.g. transmit information to your social media account if you are logged into their respective services. Analysis and performance cookies are also used in connection with the services provided by third parties, e.g. Google Analytics. This website may also allow third parties, e.g. Facebook, to place cookies on the website which we can use for remarketing (re-advertising).

Remarketing means interest-based advertising, i.e. that your behavior on the Website may be used for targeted advertising on other websites together with information independently collected by such third parties.

Cookies and consent

We respect your right to privacy and you can therefore easily turn off and activate different types of cookies. Some cookies are mandatory for the website to function correctly, e.g. remember your cookie settings, and therefore cannot be disabled. Remember that your choices can affect the experience of the site and what features can be provided. Most browsers accept cookies automatically. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can set this in your browser. You can also delete existing cookies.